deal with damp by 'breathing'. If water is trapped inside by impervious materials or finishes it can cause decay. Consequently there is a lot of water vapour looking for somewhere cold to go
Wet blanket
Another invasive form of dampness. Wet blankets can spread like tribbles. A Wet blanket is someone who tries to spoil other people's fun or a person whose low spirits or lack of enthusiasm have a depressing effect on others. They tend to like mold. Mold can appear on your blanket if you have allowed it to remain wet for too long after washing it.
Damp Proof
You can prevent damp by damp proofing.
Dampness Search
Dampness Shrug
The dampness shrug? This form of dampness is the unexcited, almost bored shrug. That says "I don't care". The Old French word nonchalant sums up this type of dampness and is the , present participle of nonchaloir, to be unconcerned ... Nonchalant means casually unconcerned or indifferent. .
Office Dampness
Dampness in the office? Many 21st century offices suffer damp through bookkeeping. See for more about this invasive damp problem.